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You know that feeling you get when you hear a new song and you think: "YES."? Or when there's a song that just makes you feel really good when you hear it? Or you hear a song and the more you listen the more you love it andyoujusthavetoshareit?!!! We know that feeling. We get you. This is a podcast where two geographically distant siblings who love music stay in touch by sharing music with each other.

Hosted by Devin and Dalton Gackle.

We created playlists of all the songs we share on the pod, updated every week! You can favorite each season's playlist, or follow I Heard This Song Pod on Spotify.*


Got a suggestion for us? Hit us up at or @HeardThisSongPd on X (formerly known as Twitter.)

*A note about the show: This podcast is hosted by Spotify for Podcasters, and it's only available on Spotify; only premium users of Spotify will hear the full song during the show, while non-premium users will hear a 30-second clip. So if you're not a premium user and you'd like to hear the full song, be sure to check out our playlists of all the songs we share!

Songs from Season 1

Songs from Season 2

songs from season 2.png

Songs from Season 3

S3 spotify cover.png



In progress! I've actually been working on some other writing, so I'm behind on this project...

You can also check out the inspiration board I started for the series on Pinterest:

In the world of Artemis, the sun only rises twice a year, and the Luna Radiis warriors defend the people from shade demons called Scrylle. But when the Scrylle render virtually all Luna Radiis incapacitated just before the next Sunrise, can the small band of warriors that remain uncover the demons' plot and save Artemis in time?

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